



001 - cliffhanger (巔峰戰士) 1993
002 - inside man (臥底) 2006
003 - the story of us (kiss情人) 1999
004 - 古惑仔2之猛龍過江 1996
005 - ghosts of girlfriends past (舊愛找麻煩) 2009
006 - Mr. Deeds (凸槌大亨) 2002
007 - hollow man (透明人) 2000
008 - tootsie (窈窕淑男) 1982
009 - twister (龍捲風) 1996
010 - the untouchable (鐵面無私) 1987
011 - the proposal (愛情限時簽) 2009
012 - the Desert Fox: the story of Rommel (沙漠之狐) 1951

013 - man of the year (風雲人物) 2006
014 - an affair to remember (金玉盟) 1957
015 - Miss March (三月女郎) 2009
016 - young Adam (烈火亞當) 2003
017 - there's something about Mary (哈啦瑪莉) 1998
018 - the bonfire of the vanities (走夜路的男人) 1990
019 - taking lives (機動殺人) 2004
020 - A計劃 1983
021 - the heiress (千金小姐) 1949

022 - love happens (愛上妳 愛上我) 2009
023 - the goods: live hard, sell hard (王牌售車員) 2009
024 - 情聖 1991
025 - Nathalie... (愛上娜塔莉) 2004
026 - I love you, man (麻吉伴郎) 2009
027 - unlawful entry (危險第三情) 1992
028 - ...und das ist erst der anfang (甜蜜插撥) 2000
029 - spread (情聖終結者) 2009
030 - 偷神家族 1992
031 - I love you, Beth Cooper (辣妹我愛你) 2009
032 - anywhere but here (管到太平洋) 1999
033 - brokendown palace (強迫入境) 1999
034 - 13 going on 30 (三十姑娘一朵花) 2004

035 - obsessed (鬼迷心竅) 2009
036 - 10 things I hate about you (對面惡女看過來) 1999
037 - volcano (火山爆發) 1997
038 - the rebound (愛情逆轉勝) 2009
039 - 飛龍猛將 1988
040 - the ugly truth (男女生了沒) 2009
041 - 追女仔 1981
042 - carpool (烏龍搶匪妙事多) 1996
043 - 古惑仔3之隻手遮天 1996
044 - taxi driver (計程車司機) 1976

045 - 龍貓燒鬚 1992
046 - click (命運好好玩) 2006
047 - 鐵板燒 1984
048 - the first wives club (大老婆俱樂部) 1996
049 - addicted to love (為你瘋狂) 1997
050 - payback (危險人物) 1999
051 - 城市獵人 1993
052 - the whole ten yards (殺手不眨眼2) 2004
053 - hush (禁止尖叫) 1998
054 - 富貴列車 1986
055 - couples retreat (伴侶度假村) 2009

056 - speed (捍衛戰警) 1994
057 - indencent proposal (桃色交易) 1993
058 - true confessions (打不開的鎖) 1981
059 - when in Rome (羅馬不思議) 2010
060 - 神勇雙響炮續集 1986
061 - rules of engagement (火線衝突) 2000
062 - crazy on the outside (出獄一團糟) 2010
063 - 南北醉拳 1979
064 - happy Gilmore (高爾夫球也瘋狂) 1996
065 - how to beat the high co$t of living (千方百計為什麼) 1980

066 - the bounty hunter (賞金獵人:ex檔案) 2010
067 - she's out my league (辣妹愛宅男) 2010
068 - the defiant ones (逃獄驚魂) 1958
069 - jaws: the revenge (大白鯊4:驚海尋仇) 1987
070 - fun with Dick and Jane (我愛上流) 1977
071 - in the line of fire (火線大行動) 1993
072 - everybody's fine (天倫之旅) 2009
073 - Swordfish (劍魚) 2001
074 - Rambo (第一滴血4) 2008
075 - the apartment (公寓春光) 1960
076 - 求愛敢死隊 1988
077 - American gigolo (美國舞男) 1980
078 - just cause (正當防衛) 1995
079 - did you hear about the Morgans? (名牌冤家) 2009

080 - life or something like it (天算不如人算) 2002
081 - tequila sunrise (破曉時刻) 1988
082 - 太極張三丰 1993
083 - 花心大少 1983
084 - dressed to kill (剃刀邊緣) 1980
085 - escape from Alcatraz (亞特蘭翠大逃亡) 1979
086 - 發達秘笈 1989
087 - 積奇瑪莉 1992
088 - cop out (波麗士很忙) 2010
089 - big (飛進未來) 1988
090 - furry vengeance (野蠻大對決) 2010

091 - the Jones (模範家庭) 2010
092 - 青蛙王子 1984
093 - Don McKay (騙局) 2010
094 - youth in Revolt (宅男卡卡) 2010
095 - date night (約會喔麥尬) 2010
096 - all about Steve (求愛女王) 2009
097 - high fidelity (失戀排行榜) 2000

098 - 小男人週記 1989
099 - my last five girlfriends (我之前的五位女友) 2010
100 - 神勇雙妹嘜 1989
101 - 中南海保鑣 1994
102 - 智勇三寶 1985

103 - the good guy (曼哈頓求愛法則) 2010
104 - monkey business (惡作劇) 1931
105 - tooth fairy (牙仙大帝) 2010
106 - 衝擊天子門生 1991
107 - the Pink Panther 2 (粉紅豹2:有惡豹) 2009
108 - confessions of a shopaholic (購物狂的異想世界) 2009

109 - hero (小人物大英雄) 1992
110 - old dogs (歐吉桑卡好) 2009
111 - the back-up plan (備胎女王) 2010
112 - 鼠膽龍威 1995
113 - knight and day (騎士出任務) 2010
114 - the lost world: Jurassic Park (侏儸紀公園2:失落的世界) 1997
115 - 父後七日 2010
116 - perfect stranger (勾引陌生人) 2007
117 - up in the air (型男飛行日誌) 2009
118 - 審死官 1992
119 - Charlie Bartlett (大家都愛查理) 2008
120 - 與龍共舞 1991
121 - Saint John of Las Vegas (賭城聖約翰) 2010
122 - 精裝追女仔 1987


 一月:12/122= 9.84%
 二月: 9/122= 7.38%
 三月:13/122=10.66% = NO. 3
 四月:10/122= 8.20%

 五月:11/122= 9.02%
 六月:10/122= 8.20%
 七月:14/122=11.48% = NO. 1
 八月:11/122= 9.02%

 九月: 7/122= 5.74%
 十月: 5/122= 4.10%
十一月: 6/122= 4.92%
十二月:14/122=11.48% = NO. 1



001 - monkey business (惡作劇) 1931

002 - the heiress (千金小姐) 1949

003 - the Desert Fox: the story of Rommel (沙漠之狐) 1951
004 - an affair to remember (金玉盟) 1957
005 - the defiant ones (逃獄驚魂) 1958

006 - the apartment (公寓春光) 1960

007 - taxi driver (計程車司機) 1976
008 - fun with Dick and Jane (我愛上流) 1977
009 - escape from Alcatraz (亞特蘭翠大逃亡) 1979
010 - 南北醉拳 1979

011 - American gigolo (美國舞男) 1980
012 - how to beat the high co$t of living (千方百計為什麼) 1980
013 - dressed to kill (剃刀邊緣) 1980
014 - 追女仔 1981
015 - true confessions (打不開的鎖) 1981
016 - tootsie (窈窕淑男) 1982
017 - 花心大少 1983
018 - A計劃 1983
019 - 鐵板燒 1984
020 - 青蛙王子 1984
021 - 智勇三寶 1985
022 - 富貴列車 1986
023 - 神勇雙響炮續集 1986
024 - the untouchable (鐵面無私) 1987
025 - 精裝追女仔 1987
026 - jaws: the revenge (大白鯊4:驚海尋仇) 1987
027 - 飛龍猛將 1988
028 - big (飛進未來) 1988
029 - 求愛敢死隊 1988
030 - tequila sunrise (破曉時刻) 1988
031 - 神勇雙妹嘜 1989
032 - 小男人週記 1989
033 - 發達秘笈 1989

034 - the bonfire of the vanities (走夜路的男人) 1990
035 - 衝擊天子門生 1991
036 - 情聖 1991
037 - 與龍共舞 1991
038 - 龍貓燒鬚 1992
039 - 積奇瑪莉 1992
040 - unlawful entry (危險第三情) 1992
041 - 審死官 1992
042 - hero (小人物大英雄) 1992
043 - 偷神家族 1992
044 - 城市獵人 1993
045 - indencent proposal (桃色交易) 1993
046 - cliffhanger (巔峰戰士) 1993
047 - in the line of fire (火線大行動) 1993
048 - 太極張三丰 1993
049 - speed (捍衛戰警) 1994
050 - 中南海保鑣 1994
051 - just cause (正當防衛) 1995
052 - 鼠膽龍威 1995
053 - happy Gilmore (高爾夫球也瘋狂) 1996
054 - 古惑仔2之猛龍過江 1996
055 - twister (龍捲風) 1996
056 - 古惑仔3之隻手遮天 1996
057 - carpool (烏龍搶匪妙事多) 1996
058 - the first wives club (大老婆俱樂部) 1996
059 - volcano (火山爆發) 1997
060 - the lost world: Jurassic Park (侏儸紀公園2:失落的世界) 1997
061 - addicted to love (為你瘋狂) 1997
062 - hush (禁止尖叫) 1998
063 - there's something about Mary (哈啦瑪莉) 1998
064 - payback (危險人物) 1999
065 - 10 things I hate about you (對面惡女看過來) 1999
066 - brokendown palace (強迫入境) 1999
067 - the story of us (kiss情人) 1999
068 - anywhere but here (管到太平洋) 1999

069 - high fidelity (失戀排行榜) 2000
070 - rules of engagement (火線衝突) 2000
071 - ...und das ist erst der anfang (甜蜜插撥) 2000
072 - hollow man (透明人) 2000
073 - Swordfish (劍魚) 2001
074 - life or something like it (天算不如人算) 2002
075 - Mr. Deeds (凸槌大亨) 2002
076 - young Adam (烈火亞當) 2003
077 - Nathalie... (愛上娜塔莉) 2004
078 - taking lives (機動殺人) 2004
079 - the whole ten yards (殺手不眨眼2) 2004
080 - 13 going on 30 (三十姑娘一朵花) 2004
081 - inside man (臥底) 2006
082 - click (命運好好玩) 2006
083 - man of the year (風雲人物) 2006
084 - perfect stranger (勾引陌生人) 2007
085 - Rambo (第一滴血4) 2008
086 - Charlie Bartlett (大家都愛查理) 2008
087 - the Pink Panther 2 (粉紅豹2:有惡豹) 2009
088 - confessions of a shopaholic (購物狂的異想世界) 2009
089 - Miss March (三月女郎) 2009
090 - I love you, man (麻吉伴郎) 2009
091 - obsessed (鬼迷心竅) 2009
092 - ghosts of girlfriends past (舊愛找麻煩) 2009
093 - the proposal (愛情限時簽) 2009
094 - spread (情聖終結者) 2009
095 - I love you, Beth Cooper (辣妹我愛你) 2009
096 - the ugly truth (男女生了沒) 2009
097 - the goods: live hard, sell hard (王牌售車員) 2009
098 - all about Steve (求愛女王) 2009
099 - love happens (愛上妳 愛上我) 2009
100 - the rebound (愛情逆轉勝) 2009
101 - couples retreat (伴侶度假村) 2009
102 - old dogs (歐吉桑卡好) 2009
103 - everybody's fine (天倫之旅) 2009
104 - up in the air (型男飛行日誌) 2009
105 - did you hear about the Morgans? (名牌冤家) 2009

106 - crazy on the outside (出獄一團糟) 2010
107 - youth in Revolt (宅男卡卡) 2010
108 - tooth fairy (牙仙大帝) 2010
109 - when in Rome (羅馬不思議) 2010
110 - Saint John of Las Vegas (賭城聖約翰) 2010
111 - the good guy (曼哈頓求愛法則) 2010
112 - cop out (波麗士很忙) 2010
113 - she's out my league (辣妹愛宅男) 2010
114 - the bounty hunter (賞金獵人:ex檔案) 2010
115 - my last five girlfriends (我之前的五位女友) 2010
116 - furry vengeance (野蠻大對決) 2010
117 - Don McKay (騙局) 2010
118 - date night (約會喔麥尬) 2010
119 - the Jones (模範家庭) 2010
120 - the back-up plan (備胎女王) 2010
121 - knight and day (騎士出任務) 2010
122 - 父後七日 2010


1930~1939: 1/122= 0.82%
1940~1949: 1/122= 0.82%
1950~1959: 3/122= 2.46%
1960~1969: 1/122= 0.82%
1970~1979: 4/122= 3.28%
1980~1989:23/122=18.85% = NO. 3
1990~1999:35/122=28.69% = NO. 2
2000~2009:37/122=30.33% = NO. 1
2010     :17/122=13.93%







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