



001 - Turner & Hooch (福將與福星) 1989
002 - big game (總統遊戲) 2015
003 - the sum of all fears (恐懼的總和) 2002
004 - acts of vengeance 2017
005 - dial M for murder (電話情殺案) 1954
006 - rat race (瘋狂世界) 2001
007 - Gran Torino (經典老爺車) 2008

008 - Pineapple Express (菠蘿快遞) 2008
009 - 法內情 1988
010 - the hard way (小生當差) 1991
011 - the killers (繡巾蒙面盜) 1946
012 - when we first met (重返初遇之夜) 2018
013 - 告白 (告白) 2010
014 - Mr. Woodcock (惡爸臨門) 2007
015 - mean girls (辣妹過招) 2004
016 - Grosse Pointe Blank (另類殺手) 1997

017 - leap year (敗犬求婚日) 2010
018 - under siege (魔鬼戰將) 1992
019 - copycat (兇手就在門外) 1995
020 - the quick and the dead (致命的快感) 1995
021 - Mr. Bean's holiday (豆豆假期) 2007
022 - for love or money (小生護駕) 1993
023 - 火垂るの墓 (螢火蟲之墓) 1988
024 - dude, where's my car? (豬頭,我的車咧?) 2000
025 - Ace Ventura: pet detective (王牌威龍) 1994
026 - the natural (天生好手) 1984

027 - Dave (冒牌總統) 1993
028 - the commuter (疾速救援) 2018
029 - ハチ公物語 (忠犬八公的故事) 1987
030 - fast & furious (玩命關頭4) 2009
031 - game over, man! (老兄GG啦) 2018
032 - nocturnal animals (夜行動物) 2016
033 - heartbreakers (鬼狗母女) 2001
034 - the spy who loved me (海底城) 1977

035 - me, myself & Irene (一個頭兩個大) 2000
036 - 名探偵コナン ベイカー街の亡霊 (名偵探柯南:貝克街的亡靈) 2002
037 - 表姐,妳好嘢!3之大人駕到 1992
038 - 乾隆皇君臣鬥智 1982
039 - the specialist (魔鬼專家) 1994
040 - game night (遊戲夜殺必死) 2018
041 - the big white (屍蹤狂想曲) 2005
042 - kindergarten cop (魔鬼孩子王) 1990
043 - overboard (小迷糊天翻地覆) 1987
044 - Dante's peak (天崩地裂) 1997

045 - Red Rock west (冒牌密殺令) 1993
046 - kingpin (王牌保齡球) 1996
047 - flawless (天衣無縫) 2007
048 - 醜聞 (醜聞) 1950
049 - mannequin (神氣活現) 1987
050 - gringo (老闆好壞) 2018
051 - set it up (老闆送作堆) 2018
052 - 靈幻先生 1987
053 - a perfect getaway (蜜月變奏曲) 2009
054 - liar liar (王牌大騙子) 1997

055 - guarding Tess (第一夫人的保鏢) 1994
056 - the bedroom window (臥窗) 1987
057 - along came Polly (遇上波莉) 2004
058 - in Bruges (殺手沒有假期) 2008
059 - 鉄道員 (鐵道員) 1999
060 - road trip (哈啦上路) 2000
061 - bloodsport (血點) 1988
062 - the killing (殺手) 1956
063 - must love dogs (愛狗男人請來電) 2005

064 - RED 2 (超危險特工2:狠戰) 2013
065 - 霹靂先鋒 1988
066 - transSiberian (消失的旅客) 2008
067 - Mr. Destiny (命運先生) 1990
068 - ドラえもん のび太と鉄人兵団 (哆啦A夢:大雄與鐵人兵團) 1986
069 - the cable guy (王牌特派員) 1996
070 - dead calm (航越地平線) 1989
071 - John Tucker must die (戀愛刺客) 2006
072 - unknown (玩命記憶) 2006
073 - a good year (美好的一年) 2006
074 - Ted 2 (熊麻吉2) 2015

075 - consenting adults (夜驚情) 1992
076 - if only (如果能再愛一次) 2004
077 - 英雄 2002
078 - elle (她的危險遊戲) 2016
079 - sudden death (絕命殺陣) 1995
080 - Bernie (胖尼殺很大) 2012
081 - 省港旗兵3逃出香港 1989
082 - swimming pool (池畔謀殺案) 2003
083 - 天空の城ラピュタ (天空之城) 1986

084 - Jack Reacher: never go back (神隱任務:永不回頭) 2016
085 - destination wedding (婚禮冤家) 2018
086 - dark places (暗處) 2015
087 - view from the top (我要飛上天) 2003
088 - disturbia (恐怖社區) 2007
089 - Arizona 2018
090 - the spy who dumped me (老娘也要當間諜) 2018
091 - resurrecting the champ (重整旗鼓) 2007
092 - Syriana (諜對諜) 2005
093 - the big hit (好膽別走) 1998
094 - the book of Eli (奪天書) 2010

095 - 黑社會以和為貴 2006
096 - a million ways to die in the West (百萬種硬的方式) 2014
097 - anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgundy (銀幕大角頭) 2004
098 - you kill me (愛情追殺令) 2007
099 - 名探偵コナン 迷宮の十字路 (名偵探柯南:迷宮的十字路) 2003
100 - death warrant (截殺威龍) 1990
101 - small time crooks (貧賤夫妻百事吉) 2000
102 - greedy (謀財真要命) 1994
103 - proof (證明我愛你) 2005
104 - another stakeout (瘋狂盯梢令) 1993

105 - Joe (絕地重生) 2014
106 - 無間道2 2003
107 - 椿三十郎 (椿三十郎) 1962
108 - last Vegas (賭城大丈夫) 2013
109 - Johnny English strikes again (凸搥特派員:三度出擊) 2018
110 - Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (哈利波特:混血王子的背叛) 2009
111 - Sydney (賭國驚爆) 1997
112 - gremlins 2: the new batch (小精靈2) 1990
113 - mad money (有錢真好) 2008


 一月: 7/113=6.19%
 二月: 9/113=7.96%
 三月:10/113=8.85% = NO. 3
 四月: 8/113=7.08%
 五月:10/113=8.85% = NO. 3
 六月:10/113=8.85% = NO. 3
 七月: 9/113=7.96%
 八月:11/113=9.73% = NO. 1
 九月: 9/113=7.96%
 十月:11/113=9.73% = NO. 1
十一月:10/113=8.85% = NO. 3
十二月: 9/113=7.96%



001 - the killers (繡巾蒙面盜) 1946

002 - 醜聞 (醜聞) 1950
003 - dial M for murder (電話情殺案) 1954
004 - the killing (殺手) 1956

005 - 椿三十郎 (椿三十郎) 1962

006 - the spy who loved me (海底城) 1977

007 - 乾隆皇君臣鬥智 1982
008 - the natural (天生好手) 1984
009 - ドラえもん のび太と鉄人兵団 (哆啦A夢:大雄與鐵人兵團) 1986
010 - 天空の城ラピュタ (天空之城) 1986
011 - the bedroom window (臥窗) 1987
012 - mannequin (神氣活現) 1987
013 - ハチ公物語 (忠犬八公的故事) 1987
014 - overboard (小迷糊天翻地覆) 1987
015 - 靈幻先生 1987
016 - bloodsport (血點) 1988
017 - 火垂るの墓 (螢火蟲之墓) 1988
018 - 法內情 1988
019 - 霹靂先鋒 1988
020 - 省港旗兵3逃出香港 1989
021 - dead calm (航越地平線) 1989
022 - Turner & Hooch (福將與福星) 1989

023 - gremlins 2: the new batch (小精靈2) 1990
024 - death warrant (截殺威龍) 1990
025 - Mr. Destiny (命運先生) 1990
026 - kindergarten cop (魔鬼孩子王) 1990
027 - the hard way (小生當差) 1991
028 - 表姐,妳好嘢!3之大人駕到 1992
029 - under siege (魔鬼戰將) 1992
030 - consenting adults (夜驚情) 1992
031 - Dave (冒牌總統) 1993
032 - Red Rock west (冒牌密殺令) 1993
033 - another stakeout (瘋狂盯梢令) 1993
034 - for love or money (小生護駕) 1993
035 - Ace Ventura: pet detective (王牌威龍) 1994
036 - greedy (謀財真要命) 1994
037 - guarding Tess (第一夫人的保鏢) 1994
038 - the specialist (魔鬼專家) 1994
039 - the quick and the dead (致命的快感) 1995
040 - copycat (兇手就在門外) 1995
041 - sudden death (絕命殺陣) 1995
042 - the cable guy (王牌特派員) 1996
043 - kingpin (王牌保齡球) 1996
044 - Dante's peak (天崩地裂) 1997
045 - Sydney (賭國驚爆) 1997
046 - liar liar (王牌大騙子) 1997
047 - Grosse Pointe Blank (另類殺手) 1997
048 - the big hit (好膽別走) 1998
049 - 鉄道員 (鐵道員) 1999

050 - road trip (哈啦上路) 2000
051 - small time crooks (貧賤夫妻百事吉) 2000
052 - me, myself & Irene (一個頭兩個大) 2000
053 - dude, where's my car? (豬頭,我的車咧?) 2000
054 - heartbreakers (鬼狗母女) 2001
055 - rat race (瘋狂世界) 2001
056 - 名探偵コナン ベイカー街の亡霊 (名偵探柯南:貝克街的亡靈) 2002
057 - the sum of all fears (恐懼的總和) 2002
058 - 英雄 2002
059 - view from the top (我要飛上天) 2003
060 - 名探偵コナン 迷宮の十字路 (名偵探柯南:迷宮的十字路) 2003
061 - swimming pool (池畔謀殺案) 2003
062 - 無間道2 2003
063 - along came Polly (遇上波莉) 2004
064 - mean girls (辣妹過招) 2004
065 - if only (如果能再愛一次) 2004
066 - anchorman: the legend of Ron Burgundy (銀幕大角頭) 2004
067 - must love dogs (愛狗男人請來電) 2005
068 - proof (證明我愛你) 2005
069 - the big white (屍蹤狂想曲) 2005
070 - Syriana (諜對諜) 2005
071 - 黑社會以和為貴 2006
072 - John Tucker must die (戀愛刺客) 2006
073 - a good year (美好的一年) 2006
074 - unknown (玩命記憶) 2006
075 - Mr. Bean's holiday (豆豆假期) 2007
076 - disturbia (恐怖社區) 2007
077 - you kill me (愛情追殺令) 2007
078 - resurrecting the champ (重整旗鼓) 2007
079 - Mr. Woodcock (惡爸臨門) 2007
080 - flawless (天衣無縫) 2007
081 - mad money (有錢真好) 2008
082 - in Bruges (殺手沒有假期) 2008
083 - transSiberian (消失的旅客) 2008
084 - Pineapple Express (菠蘿快遞) 2008
085 - Gran Torino (經典老爺車) 2008
086 - fast & furious (玩命關頭4) 2009
087 - Harry Potter and the half-blood prince (哈利波特:混血王子的背叛) 2009
088 - a perfect getaway (蜜月變奏曲) 2009

089 - leap year (敗犬求婚日) 2010
090 - the book of Eli (奪天書) 2010
091 - 告白 (告白) 2010
092 - Bernie (胖尼殺很大) 2012
093 - RED 2 (超危險特工2:狠戰) 2013
094 - last Vegas (賭城大丈夫) 2013
095 - Joe (絕地重生) 2014
096 - a million ways to die in the West (百萬種硬的方式) 2014
097 - big game (總統遊戲) 2015
098 - dark places (暗處) 2015
099 - Ted 2 (熊麻吉2) 2015
100 - elle (她的危險遊戲) 2016
101 - Jack Reacher: never go back (神隱任務:永不回頭) 2016
102 - nocturnal animals (夜行動物) 2016
103 - acts of vengeance 2017
104 - the commuter (疾速救援) 2018
105 - when we first met (重返初遇之夜) 2018
106 - game night (遊戲夜殺必死) 2018
107 - gringo (老闆好壞) 2018
108 - game over, man! (老兄GG啦) 2018
109 - set it up (老闆送作堆) 2018
110 - the spy who dumped me (老娘也要當間諜) 2018
111 - destination wedding (婚禮冤家) 2018
112 - Arizona 2018
113 - Johnny English strikes again (凸搥特派員:三度出擊) 2018


1940~1949: 1/113= 0.88%
1950~1959: 3/113= 2.65%
1960~1969: 1/113= 0.88%
1970~1979: 1/113= 0.88%
1990~1999:27/113=23.89% = NO. 2
2000~2009:39/113=34.51% = NO. 1
2010~2018:25/113=22.12% = NO. 3







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