



001 - 神勇飛虎霸王花 1989
002 - 17 again (回到17歲) 2009
003 - a lot like love (再見鍾情) 2005
004 - Beverly Hills cop III (霹靂炮) 1994
005 - 江湖情 1987
006 - bride wars (新娘大作戰) 2009
007 - presumed innocent (無罪的罪人) 1990
008 - airplane II: the sequel (瞞天過海飛飛飛) 1982
009 - meet the Fockers (親家路窄) 2004
010 - the nanny diaries (豪門保姆日記) 2007
011 - the ides of March (選戰風雲) 2011
012 - live free or die hard (終極警探4.0) 2007
013 - moneyball (魔球) 2011

014 - New Year's Eve (101次新年快樂) 2011
015 - pride and prejudice (傲慢與偏見) 1940
016 - The 39 Steps (國防大機密) 1935
017 - fun with Dick and Jane (我愛上流) 2005
018 - from Russia with love (第七號情報員2) 1963
019 - deception (桃色名單) 2008
020 - Sabrina (龍鳳配) 1954
021 - 千面魔女 1969
022 - so undercover (臥底甜心) 2012
023 - 龍少爺 1982

024 - duplicity (口是心非) 2009
025 - King Solomon's mines (所羅門王寶藏) 1950
026 - 老虎出更 1988
027 - 十二生肖 2012
028 - 望夫成龍 1990
029 - 軍閥趣史 1979
030 - 三岔口 2005
031 - taken 2 (即刻救援2) 2012
032 - 省港旗兵2兵分兩路 1987
033 - 向左走‧向右走 2003
034 - the Muse (第六感女神) 1999

035 - bachelorette (伴娘hold不住) 2012
036 - Lara Croft tomb raider: the cradle of life (古墓奇兵2:風起雲湧) 2003
037 - 12 angry men (十二怒漢) 1957
038 - the protector (威龍猛探) 1985
039 - 英雄好漢 1987
040 - what's your number? (先生你哪位) 2011
041 - cellular (玩命手機) 2004
042 - the scarlet empress (放蕩的女皇) 1934
043 - 桃太郎大顯神威 1988
044 - parental guidance (長輩有交代) 2012

045 - 蛇鶴八步 1978
046 - RED (超危險特工) 2010
047 - 皇家戰士 1986
048 - 亡命鴛鴦 1988
049 - 危險情人 1992
050 - the grey (即刻獵殺) 2012
051 - reality bites (四個畢業生) 1994
052 - le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (艾蜜莉的異想世界) 2001
053 - …and justice for all. (義勇急先鋒) 1979
054 - 拳精 1978

055 - the Truman Show (楚門的世界) 1998
056 - 全職殺手 2001
057 - death to Smoochy (美國詐炮) 2002
058 - the guilt trip (虎媽宅子) 2012
059 - police academy (金牌警校軍) 1984
060 - Hudson Hawk (終極神鷹) 1991
061 - Ocean's eleven (瞞天過海) 2001
062 - 好小子2 1986
063 - the roommate (共室非友) 2011
064 - snitch (限時翻供) 2013
065 - American reunion (美國派:高潮再起) 2012

066 - 龍虎風雲 1987
067 - bandidas (神鬼2勢力) 2006
068 - ドラえもん のび太の宇宙開拓史 (哆啦A夢:大雄的宇宙開拓史) 1981
069 - Elizabethtown (伊莉莎白小鎮) 2005
070 - safe house (狡兔計畫) 2012
071 - Starsky & Hutch (警網雙雄) 2004
072 - 狄仁傑之通天帝國 2010
073 - Appaloosa (鐵腕豪情) 2008
074 - femme fatale (雙面驚悚) 2002
075 - hatari! (哈泰利) 1962
076 - the big store (大商店) 1941

077 - 中環英雄 1991
078 - Batman & Robin (蝙蝠俠4:急凍人) 1997
079 - Goldfinger (金手指) 1964
080 - bringing down the house (我的野蠻網友) 2003
081 - the wizard of Oz (綠野仙蹤) 1939
082 - just friends (謝謝!再聯絡) 2005
083 - 轟天皇家將 1992
084 - city hall (檔案風暴) 1996
085 - Paul Blart: mall cop (百貨戰警) 2009
086 - the Bourne supremacy (神鬼認證:神鬼疑雲) 2004
087 - one for the money (頭號冤家) 2012
088 - 方世玉2 1993
089 - the big year (年度鳥事) 2011

090 - 少林木人巷 1976
091 - while you were sleeping (二見鍾情) 1995
092 - the Hurricane (捍衛正義) 1999
093 - sweet home Alabama (美麗蹺家人) 2002
094 - 俠盜高飛 1992
095 - 小心間諜 1990
096 - national security (終極寶鑣) 2003
097 - predator 2 (終極戰士2) 1990
098 - tadpole (誘惑我小媽) 2000
099 - the town (竊盜城) 2010
100 - 獨臂刀王 1969
101 - 廟街十二少 1992

102 - blind date (盲目約會) 1987
103 - get Smart (特務行不行) 2008
104 - vertigo (迷魂記) 1958
105 - 大醉俠 1966
106 - Groundhog Day (今天暫時停止) 1993
107 - 返老還童 1989
108 - 醉拳 1978
109 - 鐵觀音 1967
110 - legally blonde (金法尤物) 2001
111 - the naked gun: from the files of police squad! (笑彈龍虎榜) 1988
112 - the Green Hornet (青蜂俠) 2011
113 - 瘦身男女 2001
114 - 女俠賣人頭 1970

115 - 皇家師姐3雌雄大盜 1988
116 - two lovers (紐約愛情故事) 2008
117 - Eagle Eye (鷹眼) 2008
118 - what happens in Vegas (頭彩冤家) 2008
119 - 標錯參 1987
120 - 妙探雙龍 1989

121 - his girl Friday (小報妙冤家) 1940
122 - 少林足球 2001
123 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (哈利波特:神秘的魔法石) 2001
124 - the old man and the sea (老人與海) 1958
125 - home alone (小鬼當家) 1990
126 - how to lose a guy in 10 days (絕配冤家) 2003
127 - the brothers Bloom (騙行無阻) 2009


 一月:13/127=10.23% => NO. 1
 二月:10/127= 7.87%
 三月:11/127= 8.66%
 四月:10/127= 7.87%
 五月:10/127= 7.87%
 六月:11/127= 8.66%
 七月:11/127= 8.66%
 八月:13/127=10.23% => NO. 1
 九月:12/127= 9.45%
 十月:13/127=10.23% => NO. 1
十一月: 6/127= 4.72%
十二月: 7/127= 5.51%



001 - the scarlet empress (放蕩的女皇) 1934
002 - The 39 Steps (國防大機密) 1935
003 - the wizard of Oz (綠野仙蹤) 1939

004 - his girl Friday (小報妙冤家) 1940
005 - pride and prejudice (傲慢與偏見) 1940
006 - the big store (大商店) 1941

007 - King Solomon's mines (所羅門王寶藏) 1950
008 - Sabrina (龍鳳配) 1954
009 - 12 angry men (十二怒漢) 1957
010 - vertigo (迷魂記) 1958
011 - the old man and the sea (老人與海) 1958

012 - hatari! (哈泰利) 1962
013 - from Russia with love (第七號情報員2) 1963
014 - Goldfinger (金手指) 1964
015 - 大醉俠 1966
016 - 鐵觀音 1967
017 - 千面魔女 1969
018 - 獨臂刀王 1969

019 - 女俠賣人頭 1970
020 - 少林木人巷 1976
021 - 蛇鶴八步 1978
022 - 醉拳 1978
023 - 拳精 1978
024 - 軍閥趣史 1979
025 - …and justice for all. (義勇急先鋒) 1979

026 - ドラえもん のび太の宇宙開拓史 (哆啦A夢:大雄的宇宙開拓史) 1981
027 - 龍少爺 1982
028 - airplane II: the sequel (瞞天過海飛飛飛) 1982
029 - police academy (金牌警校軍) 1984
030 - the protector (威龍猛探) 1985
031 - 皇家戰士 1986
032 - 好小子2 1986
033 - 龍虎風雲 1987
034 - 英雄好漢 1987
035 - blind date (盲目約會) 1987
036 - 江湖情 1987
037 - 省港旗兵2兵分兩路 1987
038 - 標錯參 1987
039 - 老虎出更 1988
040 - 皇家師姐3雌雄大盜 1988
041 - 亡命鴛鴦 1988
042 - the naked gun: from the files of police squad! (笑彈龍虎榜) 1988
043 - 桃太郎大顯神威 1988
044 - 神勇飛虎霸王花 1989
045 - 返老還童 1989
046 - 妙探雙龍 1989

047 - 望夫成龍 1990
048 - 小心間諜 1990
049 - presumed innocent (無罪的罪人) 1990
050 - home alone (小鬼當家) 1990
051 - predator 2 (終極戰士2) 1990
052 - 中環英雄 1991
053 - Hudson Hawk (終極神鷹) 1991
054 - 危險情人 1992
055 - 俠盜高飛 1992
056 - 廟街十二少 1992
057 - 轟天皇家將 1992
058 - Groundhog Day (今天暫時停止) 1993
059 - 方世玉2 1993
060 - reality bites (四個畢業生) 1994
061 - Beverly Hills cop III (霹靂炮) 1994
062 - while you were sleeping (二見鍾情) 1995
063 - city hall (檔案風暴) 1996
064 - Batman & Robin (蝙蝠俠4:急凍人) 1997
065 - the Truman Show (楚門的世界) 1998
066 - the Muse (第六感女神) 1999
067 - the Hurricane (捍衛正義) 1999

068 - tadpole (誘惑我小媽) 2000
069 - le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (艾蜜莉的異想世界) 2001
070 - 瘦身男女 2001
071 - legally blonde (金法尤物) 2001
072 - 少林足球 2001
073 - 全職殺手 2001
074 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (哈利波特:神秘的魔法石) 2001
075 - Ocean's eleven (瞞天過海) 2001
076 - death to Smoochy (美國詐炮) 2002
077 - femme fatale (雙面驚悚) 2002
078 - sweet home Alabama (美麗蹺家人) 2002
079 - national security (終極寶鑣) 2003
080 - how to lose a guy in 10 days (絕配冤家) 2003
081 - bringing down the house (我的野蠻網友) 2003
082 - Lara Croft tomb raider: the cradle of life (古墓奇兵2:風起雲湧) 2003
083 - 向左走‧向右走 2003
084 - Starsky & Hutch (警網雙雄) 2004
085 - the Bourne supremacy (神鬼認證:神鬼疑雲) 2004
086 - cellular (玩命手機) 2004
087 - meet the Fockers (親家路窄) 2004
088 - a lot like love (再見鍾情) 2005
089 - 三岔口 2005
090 - Elizabethtown (伊莉莎白小鎮) 2005
091 - just friends (謝謝!再聯絡) 2005
092 - fun with Dick and Jane (我愛上流) 2005
093 - bandidas (神鬼2勢力) 2006
094 - live free or die hard (終極警探4.0) 2007
095 - the nanny diaries (豪門保姆日記) 2007
096 - what happens in Vegas (頭彩冤家) 2008
097 - deception (桃色名單) 2008
098 - get Smart (特務行不行) 2008
099 - Eagle Eye (鷹眼) 2008
100 - Appaloosa (鐵腕豪情) 2008
101 - two lovers (紐約愛情故事) 2008
102 - bride wars (新娘大作戰) 2009
103 - Paul Blart: mall cop (百貨戰警) 2009
104 - duplicity (口是心非) 2009
105 - 17 again (回到17歲) 2009
106 - the brothers Bloom (騙行無阻) 2009

107 - the town (竊盜城) 2010
108 - RED (超危險特工) 2010
109 - 狄仁傑之通天帝國 2010
110 - the Green Hornet (青蜂俠) 2011
111 - the roommate (共室非友) 2011
112 - the ides of March (選戰風雲) 2011
113 - moneyball (魔球) 2011
114 - what's your number? (先生你哪位) 2011
115 - the big year (年度鳥事) 2011
116 - New Year's Eve (101次新年快樂) 2011
117 - the grey (即刻獵殺) 2012
118 - one for the money (頭號冤家) 2012
119 - safe house (狡兔計畫) 2012
120 - American reunion (美國派:高潮再起) 2012
121 - bachelorette (伴娘hold不住) 2012
122 - taken 2 (即刻救援2) 2012
123 - so undercover (臥底甜心) 2012
124 - the guilt trip (虎媽宅子) 2012
125 - 十二生肖 2012
126 - parental guidance (長輩有交代) 2012
127 - snitch (限時翻供) 2013


1930~1939: 3/127= 2.36%
1940~1949: 3/127= 2.36%
1950~1959: 5/127= 3.94%
1960~1969: 7/127= 5.51%
1970~1979: 7/127= 5.51%
1980~1989:21/127=16.54% = NO. 2
1990~1999:21/127=16.54% = NO. 2
2000~2009:39/127=30.71% = NO. 1
2010~2013:21/127=16.54% = NO. 2






    創作者 克拉克.周 的頭像


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