



001 - it happened one night (一夜風流) 1934
002 - the Rock (絕地任務) 1996
003 - happy, Texas (一籠傻鳥) 1999
004 - sliding doors (雙面情人) 1998
005 - lord of war (軍火之王) 2005
006 - shallow Hal (情人眼裡出西施) 2001
007 - con air (空中監獄) 1997
008 - no man's land (三不管地帶) 2001
009 - die hard (終極警探) 1988
010 - jaws 2 (大白鯊2:神出鬼沒) 1978
011 - face/off (變臉) 1997
012 - la doublure (巴黎換換愛) 2006
013 - boys and girls (擋不住的愛妹) 2000

014 - snake eyes (蛇眼) 1998
015 - midnight run (午夜狂奔) 1988
016 - panic room (顫慄空間) 2002
017 - dog day afternoon (熱天午後) 1975
018 - Ferris Bueller's day off (蹺課天才) 1986
019 - unfaithful (出軌) 2002
020 - the family man (扭轉奇蹟) 2000
021 - Coyote Ugly (女狼俱樂部) 2000
022 - the pleasure of your company (先婚後友) 2007
023 - Mr. Deeds goes to town (富貴浮雲) 1936
024 - a streetcar named Desire (慾望街車) 1951
025 - Malèna (真愛伴我行) 2000
026 - Roman holiday (羅馬假期) 1953

027 - free money (搶劫大行動) 1998
028 - normal life (絕命鴛鴦) 1996
029 - the shop around the corner (街角的商店) 1940
030 - primal fear (驚悚) 1996
031 - earthly possessions (末路迷情) 1999
032 - the Ghost and the Darkness (暗夜獵殺) 1996
033 - the hand that rocks the cradle (推動搖籃的手) 1992
034 - daylight (十萬火急) 1996
035 - the silence of the lambs (沉默的羔羊) 1991
036 - Notting Hill (新娘百分百) 1999
037 - urban cowboy (都市牛仔) 1980

038 - pretty in pink (紅粉佳人) 1986
039 - 54 (54激情俱樂部) 1998
040 - something wild (散彈露露) 1986
041 - a simple plan (絕地計畫) 1998
042 - gun shy (愛情槍手) 2000
043 - mission: impossible (不可能的任務) 1996
044 - the upside of anger (愛你愛到要抓狂) 2005
045 - the contender (暗潮洶湧) 2000

046 - the whole nine yards (殺手不眨眼) 2000
047 - TMNT (忍者龜:炫風再起) 2007
048 - Don Juan Demarco (這個男人有點色) 1995
049 - 100 million BC (史前一億年) 2008
050 - the parent trap (天生一對) 1998
051 - rush hour (尖峰時刻) 1998
052 - 海がきこえる (海潮之聲) 1993
053 - cop land (警察帝國) 1997

054 - Frankie and Johnny (性、愛情、漢堡飽) 1991
055 - break up (謊言與枷鎖) 1998
056 - 那山那人那狗 1998

057 - the badge (借刀殺人) 2002
058 - 古惑仔之人在江湖 1996
059 - 風の谷のナウシカ (風の谷) 1984
060 - definitely, maybe (愛情三選一) 2008
061 - 奇謀妙計五福星 1983
062 - 獄中龍 1990
063 - 國產凌凌漆 1994
064 - 打工皇帝 1985
065 - 摩登保鑣 1981
066 - the godfather (教父) 1972

067 - Miss Congeniality (麻辣女王) 2000
068 - Daredevil (夜魔俠) 2003
069 - Elizabeth (伊莉莎白) 1998
070 - 半斤八兩 1976
071 - se7en (火線追緝令) 1995
072 - a fish called Wanda (笨賊一籮筐) 1988
073 - murder by numbers (拿命線索) 2002
074 - enemy at the gates (大敵當前) 2001
075 - a civil action (法網邊緣) 1998
076 - the hunt for Red October (獵殺紅色十月) 1990
077 - 最佳拍檔 1982
078 - 福星高照 1985
079 - good bye Lenin! (再見列寧) 2003

080 - la vita è bella (美麗人生) 1997
081 - 快餐車 1984
082 - the ice storm (冰風暴) 1997
083 - 聖誕奇遇結良緣 1985
084 - on the waterfront (岸上風雲) 1954
085 - Donnie Brasco (驚天爆) 1997
086 - 夏日福星 1985
087 - the bridges of Madison County (麥迪遜之橋) 1995
088 - 龍兄虎弟 1987
089 - Titanic (鐵達尼號) 1997
090 - 最佳拍檔大顯神通 1983
091 - the invisible man (隱形人) 1933

092 - 最佳福星 1986
093 - 飛鷹計劃 1991
094 - King Kong (金剛) 1933
095 - hurlyburly (心花意迷) 1998
096 - the firm (黑色豪門企業) 1993
097 - 最佳拍檔女皇密令 1984
098 - along came a spider (全面追緝令) 2001
099 - 逃學威龍 1991
100 - rush hour 2 (尖峰時刻2) 2001
101 - North (浪子保鑣) 1994
102 - bounce (當真愛來敲門) 2000
103 - 最佳拍檔千里救差婆 1986
104 - patriot games (愛國者遊戲) 1992
105 - the godfather: part II (教父2) 1974

106 - 福星闖江湖 1989
107 - the Philadelphia story (費城故事) 1940
108 - the medallion (免死金牌) 2003
109 - stalag 17 (戰地軍魂) 1953
110 - 賭聖 1990
111 - Hannibal (人魔) 2001
112 - Arlington Road (無懈可擊) 1999
113 - bird on a wire (驚弓之鳥) 1990
114 - six days seven nights (六天七夜) 1998
115 - identity (致命ID) 2003
116 - the treasure of the Sierra Madre (碧血金沙) 1948
117 - Shanghai noon (西域威龍) 2000
118 - stagecoach (驛馬車) 1939

119 - hanging up (來電傳情) 2000
120 - big trouble (麻煩大了) 2002
121 - random hearts (疑雲密佈) 1999
122 - high noon (日正當中) 1952
123 - 師弟出馬 1980
124 - 新最佳拍檔 1989
125 - confidence (行遍天下) 2003
126 - intolerable cruelty (真情假愛) 2003
127 - the little foxes (小狐狸) 1941
128 - assassins (刺客戰場) 1995
129 - random harvest (鴛夢重溫) 1942
130 - love actually (愛是您‧愛是我) 2003
131 - Air Force One (空軍一號) 1997
132 - the man who shot Liberty Valance (雙虎屠龍) 1962


 一月:13/132= 9.85% = NO. 3
 二月:13/132= 9.85% = NO. 3
 三月:11/132= 8.33%

 四月: 8/132= 6.06%
 五月: 8/132= 6.06%
 六月: 3/132= 2.27%
 七月:10/132= 7.58%
 八月:13/132= 9.85% = NO. 3
 九月:12/132= 9.09%

 十月:14/132=10.61% = NO. 1
十一月:13/132= 9.85% = NO. 3
十二月:14/132=10.61% = NO. 1



001 - King Kong (金剛) 1933
002 - the invisible man (隱形人) 1933
003 - it happened one night (一夜風流) 1934
004 - Mr. Deeds goes to town (富貴浮雲) 1936
005 - stagecoach (驛馬車) 1939

006 - the shop around the corner (街角的商店) 1940
007 - the Philadelphia story (費城故事) 1940
008 - the little foxes (小狐狸) 1941
009 - random harvest (鴛夢重溫) 1942
010 - the treasure of the Sierra Madre (碧血金沙) 1948

011 - Aa streetcar named Desire (慾望街車) 1951
012 - high noon (日正當中) 1952
013 - stalag 17 (戰地軍魂) 1953
014 - Roman holiday (羅馬假期) 1953
015 - on the waterfront (岸上風雲) 1954

016 - the man who shot Liberty Valance (雙虎屠龍) 1962

017 - the godfather (教父) 1972
018 - the godfather: part II (教父2) 1974
019 - dog day afternoon (熱天午後) 1975
020 - 半斤八兩 1976
021 - jaws 2 (大白鯊2:神出鬼沒) 1978

022 - 師弟出馬 1980
023 - urban cowboy (都市牛仔) 1980
024 - 摩登保鑣 1981
025 - 最佳拍檔 1982
026 - 最佳拍檔大顯神通 1983
027 - 奇謀妙計五福星 1983
028 - 最佳拍檔女皇密令 1984
029 - 風の谷のナウシカ (風の谷) 1984
030 - 快餐車 1984
031 - 福星高照 1985
032 - 打工皇帝 1985
033 - 夏日福星 1985
034 - 聖誕奇遇結良緣 1985
035 - 最佳拍檔千里救差婆 1986
036 - pretty in pink (紅粉佳人) 1986
037 - Ferris Bueller's day off (蹺課天才) 1986
038 - 最佳福星 1986
039 - something wild (散彈露露) 1986
040 - 龍兄虎弟 1987
041 - a fish called Wanda (笨賊一籮筐) 1988
042 - midnight run (午夜狂奔) 1988
043 - die hard (終極警探) 1988
044 - 新最佳拍檔 1989
045 - 福星闖江湖 1989

046 - the hunt for Red October (獵殺紅色十月) 1990
047 - bird on a wire (驚弓之鳥) 1990
048 - 賭聖 1990
049 - 獄中龍 1990
050 - the silence of the lambs (沉默的羔羊) 1991
051 - 飛鷹計劃 1991
052 - 逃學威龍 1991
053 - Frankie and Johnny (性、愛情、漢堡飽) 1991
054 - the hand that rocks the cradle (推動搖籃的手) 1992
055 - patriot games (愛國者遊戲) 1992
056 - 海がきこえる (海潮之聲) 1993
057 - the firm (黑色豪門企業) 1993
058 - North (浪子保鑣) 1994
059 - 國產凌凌漆 1994
060 - Don Juan Demarco (這個男人有點色) 1995
061 - the bridges of Madison County (麥迪遜之橋) 1995
062 - se7en (火線追緝令) 1995
063 - assassins (刺客戰場) 1995
064 - 古惑仔之人在江湖 1996
065 - primal fear (驚悚) 1996
066 - mission: impossible (不可能的任務) 1996
067 - the Rock (絕地任務) 1996
068 - normal life (絕命鴛鴦) 1996
069 - the Ghost and the Darkness (暗夜獵殺) 1996
070 - daylight (十萬火急) 1996
071 - Donnie Brasco (驚天爆) 1997
072 - con air (空中監獄) 1997
073 - face/off (變臉) 1997
074 - Air Force One (空軍一號) 1997
075 - cop land (警察帝國) 1997
076 - the ice storm (冰風暴) 1997
077 - Titanic (鐵達尼號) 1997
078 - la vita è bella (美麗人生) 1997
079 - sliding doors (雙面情人) 1998
080 - six days seven nights (六天七夜) 1998
081 - the parent trap (天生一對) 1998
082 - snake eyes (蛇眼) 1998
083 - break up (謊言與枷鎖) 1998
084 - 54 (54激情俱樂部) 1998
085 - rush hour (尖峰時刻) 1998
086 - Elizabeth (伊莉莎白) 1998
087 - 那山那人那狗 1998
088 - free money (搶劫大行動) 1998
089 - a simple plan (絕地計畫) 1998
090 - hurlyburly (心花意迷) 1998
091 - a civil action (法網邊緣) 1998
092 - Arlington Road (無懈可擊) 1999
093 - earthly possessions (末路迷情) 1999
094 - Notting Hill (新娘百分百) 1999
095 - happy, Texas (一籠傻鳥) 1999
096 - random hearts (疑雲密佈) 1999

097 - gun shy (愛情槍手) 2000
098 - hanging up (來電傳情) 2000
099 - the whole nine yards (殺手不眨眼) 2000
100 - Shanghai noon (西域威龍) 2000
101 - boys and girls (擋不住的愛妹) 2000
102 - Coyote Ugly (女狼俱樂部) 2000
103 - the contender (暗潮洶湧) 2000
104 - Malèna (真愛伴我行) 2000
105 - bounce (當真愛來敲門) 2000
106 - the family man (扭轉奇蹟) 2000
107 - Miss Congeniality (麻辣女王) 2000
108 - Hannibal (人魔) 2001
109 - enemy at the gates (大敵當前) 2001
110 - along came a spider (全面追緝令) 2001
111 - rush hour 2 (尖峰時刻2) 2001
112 - no man's land (三不管地帶) 2001
113 - shallow Hal (情人眼裡出西施) 2001
114 - panic room (顫慄空間) 2002
115 - big trouble (麻煩大了) 2002
116 - murder by numbers (拿命線索) 2002
117 - unfaithful (出軌) 2002
118 - the badge (借刀殺人) 2002
119 - confidence (行遍天下) 2003
120 - Daredevil (夜魔俠) 2003
121 - good bye Lenin! (再見列寧) 2003
122 - identity (致命ID) 2003
123 - the medallion (免死金牌) 2003
124 - intolerable cruelty (真情假愛) 2003
125 - love actually (愛是您‧愛是我) 2003
126 - the upside of anger (愛你愛到要抓狂) 2005
127 - lord of war (軍火之王) 2005
128 - la doublure (巴黎換換愛) 2006
129 - TMNT (忍者龜:炫風再起) 2007
130 - the pleasure of your company (先婚後友) 2007
131 - definitely, maybe (愛情三選一) 2008
132 - 100 million BC (史前一億年) 2008


1930~1939: 5/132= 3.79%
1940~1949: 5/132= 3.79%
1950~1959: 5/132= 3.79%
1960~1969: 1/132= 0.76%
1970~1979: 5/132= 3.79%
1980~1989:24/132=18.18% = NO. 3
1990~1999:51/132=38.64% = NO. 1
2000~2008:36/132=27.27% = NO. 2








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