



001 - trouble with the curve (人生決勝球) 2012
002 - Lucy (露西) 2014
003 - White House down (白宮末日) 2013
004 - good people (鎖命橫財) 2014
005 - life of crime (百萬嬌妻綁架計畫) 2014
006 - the equalizer (私刑教育) 2014
007 - 鑽石艷盜 1971
008 - working girl (上班女郎) 1988
009 - point break (驚爆點) 1991

010 - the gold rush (淘金記) 1925
011 - the love punch (愛情重擊) 2014
012 - Fargo (冰血暴) 1996
013 - escape plan (鋼鐵墳墓) 2013
014 - Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (亞歷山大衰到家) 2014
015 - lifeboat (救生艇) 1944
016 - 七小福 1986
017 - weekend at Bernie's (老闆渡假去) 1989
018 - 影子神鞭 1971
019 - horrible bosses 2 (老闆不是人2) 2014

020 - 遺產伍億元 1970
021 - the heat (麻辣嬌鋒) 2013
022 - 捉鼠記 1974
023 - on Her Majesty's secret service (女王密使) 1969
024 - 天下1大樂 1988
025 - you don't mess with the Zohan (特勤沙龍) 2008
026 - the switch (精選完美男) 2010
027 - 陰陽刀 1969

028 - 狗蛋、大兵 1996
029 - North to Alaska (阿拉斯加淘金記) 1960
030 - the fast and the furious (玩命關頭) 2001
031 - derailed (玩火) 2005
032 - before I go to sleep (別相信任何人) 2014
033 - となりのトトロ (龍貓) 1988
034 - flight (機密真相) 2012
035 - 三少爺的劍 1977

036 - fractrue (破綻) 2007
037 - Argo (亞果出任務) 2012
038 - avenging Angelo (非常保鑣) 2002
039 - 乾隆下江南 1977
040 - identity thief (竊資達人) 2013
041 - 皇家師姐之中間人 1990
042 - Snow White and the seven dwarfs (白雪公主) 1937
043 - 鐵手無情 1969

044 - unfinished business (凸槌三人行) 2015
045 - 六刺客 1971
046 - the other man (外慾殺機) 2008
047 - 子彈出租 1991
048 - barely lethal (刺客學妹) 2015
049 - Paul Blart: mall cop 2 (百貨戰警2) 2015
050 - 綉花大盜 1978

051 - Bean (豆豆秀) 1997
052 - ドラえもん のび太の海底鬼岩城 (哆啦A夢:大雄的海底鬼岩城) 1983
053 - Miss Meadows (甜心殺手) 2014
054 - lethal weapon 4 (致命武器4) 1998
055 - the rewrite (編劇情緣) 2014
056 - 21 Jump Street (龍虎少年隊) 2012
057 - hot pursuit (辣味雙拼) 2015

058 - 門徒 2007
059 - leaves of grass (雙子陰謀) 2010
060 - 運財至叻星 1996
061 - city lights (城市之光) 1931
062 - big momma's house (絕地奶霸) 2000
063 - Evan Almighty (王牌天神2) 2007
064 - manhunter (1987大懸案) 1986

065 - spy (麻辣賤諜) 2015
066 - plein soleil (陽光普照) 1960
067 - Marnie (艷賊) 1964
068 - るろうに剣心 (神劍闖江湖) 2012
069 - white bird in a blizzard (暴風雪中的白鳥) 2014
070 - Ocean's thirteen (瞞天過海:13王牌) 2007
071 - 流星蝴蝶劍 1976
072 - diamonds are forever (金剛鑽) 1971

073 - dumb and dumber to (阿呆與阿瓜:賤招拆招) 2014
074 - Cinderella (仙履奇緣) 1950
075 - American hustle (瞞天大佈局) 2013
076 - 喋血雙雄 1989
077 - naked gun 33⅓: the final insult (脫線總動員) 1994
078 - water for elephants (大象的眼淚) 2011
079 - conspiracy theory (絕命大反擊) 1997
080 - 5 to 7 (愛情限時戀未盡) 2015
081 - 至尊計狀元才 1990
082 - source code (啟動原始碼) 2011

083 - night at the museum: secret of the tomb (博物館驚魂夜3) 2014
084 - legally blonde 2: red, white & blonde (金法尤物2:白宮粉緊張) 2003
085 - the man from U.N.C.L.E. (紳士密令) 2015
086 - the monuments men (大尋寶家) 2014
087 - 名探偵コナン 時計じかけの摩天楼 (名偵探柯南:引爆摩天樓) 1997
088 - gone girl (控制) 2014
089 - the family (黑幫追殺令) 2013
090 - planes, trains & automobiles (一路順瘋) 1987
091 - 鎗火 1999
092 - the frozen ground (驚天凍地) 2013
093 - one hundred and one Dalmatians (101忠狗) 1961

094 - Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛人2) 2004
095 - strangers on a train (火車怪客) 1951
096 - into the grizzly maze (灰熊迷宮) 2015
097 - the forger (驚世劫作) 2015
098 - the Bourne ultimatum (神鬼認證:最後通牒) 2007
099 - 五億探長雷洛傳(雷老虎) 1991
100 - 五億探長雷洛傳2之父子情仇 1991
101 - the call (絕命連線) 2013
102 - the vow (愛‧重來) 2012
103 - every secret thing (失蹤秘聞) 2015
104 - Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯) 2004


 一月: 9/104= 8.65%
 二月:10/104= 9.62% = NO. 3
 三月: 8/104= 7.69%
 四月: 8/104= 7.69%
 五月: 8/104= 7.69%
 六月: 7/104= 6.73%
 七月: 7/104= 6.73%
 八月: 7/104= 6.73%
 九月: 8/104= 7.69%
 月:10/104= 9.62% = NO. 3
十一月:11/104=10.58% = NO. 1
十二月:11/104=10.58% = NO. 1



001 - the gold rush (淘金記) 1925

002 - city lights (城市之光) 1931
003 - Snow White and the seven dwarfs (白雪公主) 1937

004 - lifeboat (救生艇) 1944

005 - Cinderella (仙履奇緣) 1950
006 - strangers on a train (火車怪客) 1951

007 - plein soleil (陽光普照) 1960
008 - North to Alaska (阿拉斯加淘金記) 1960
009 - one hundred and one Dalmatians (101忠狗) 1961
010 - Marnie (艷賊) 1964
011 - 陰陽刀 1969
012 - 鐵手無情 1969
013 - on Her Majesty's secret service (女王密使) 1969

014 - 遺產伍億元 1970
015 - 鑽石艷盜 1971
016 - 六刺客 1971
017 - 影子神鞭 1971
018 - diamonds are forever (金剛鑽) 1971
019 - 捉鼠記 1974
020 - 流星蝴蝶劍 1976
021 - 乾隆下江南 1977
022 - 三少爺的劍 1977
023 - 綉花大盜 1978

024 - ドラえもん のび太の海底鬼岩城 (哆啦A夢:大雄的海底鬼岩城) 1983
025 - manhunter (1987大懸案) 1986
026 - 七小福 1986
027 - planes, trains & automobiles (一路順瘋) 1987
028 - となりのトトロ (龍貓) 1988
029 - working girl (上班女郎) 1988
030 - 天下1大樂 1988
031 - weekend at Bernie's (老闆渡假去) 1989
032 - 喋血雙雄 1989

033 - 至尊計狀元才 1990
034 - 皇家師姐之中間人 1990
035 - point break (驚爆點) 1991
036 - 子彈出租 1991
037 - 五億探長雷洛傳(雷老虎) 1991
038 - 五億探長雷洛傳2之父子情仇 1991
039 - naked gun 33⅓: the final insult (脫線總動員) 1994
040 - 運財至叻星 1996
041 - Fargo (冰血暴) 1996
042 - 狗蛋、大兵 1996
043 - 名探偵コナン 時計じかけの摩天楼 (名偵探柯南:引爆摩天樓) 1997
044 - Bean (豆豆秀) 1997
045 - conspiracy theory (絕命大反擊) 1997
046 - lethal weapon 4 (致命武器4) 1998
047 - 鎗火 1999

048 - big momma's house (絕地奶霸) 2000
049 - the fast and the furious (玩命關頭) 2001
050 - avenging Angelo (非常保鑣) 2002
051 - legally blonde 2: red, white & blonde (金法尤物2:白宮粉緊張) 2003
052 - Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban (哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯) 2004
053 - Spider-Man 2 (蜘蛛人2) 2004
054 - derailed (玩火) 2005
055 - 門徒 2007
056 - fractrue (破綻) 2007
057 - Ocean's thirteen (瞞天過海:13王牌) 2007
058 - Evan Almighty (王牌天神2) 2007
059 - the Bourne ultimatum (神鬼認證:最後通牒) 2007
060 - you don't mess with the Zohan (特勤沙龍) 2008
061 - the other man (外慾殺機) 2008

062 - leaves of grass (雙子陰謀) 2010
063 - the switch (精選完美男) 2010
064 - source code (啟動原始碼) 2011
065 - water for elephants (大象的眼淚) 2011
066 - the vow (愛‧重來) 2012
067 - 21 Jump Street (龍虎少年隊) 2012
068 - るろうに剣心 (神劍闖江湖) 2012
069 - trouble with the curve (人生決勝球) 2012
070 - Argo (亞果出任務) 2012
071 - flight (機密真相) 2012
072 - identity thief (竊資達人) 2013
073 - the call (絕命連線) 2013
074 - White House down (白宮末日) 2013
075 - the heat (麻辣嬌鋒) 2013
076 - the frozen ground (驚天凍地) 2013
077 - the family (黑幫追殺令) 2013
078 - escape plan (鋼鐵墳墓) 2013
079 - American hustle (瞞天大佈局) 2013
080 - the love punch (愛情重擊) 2014
081 - the monuments men (大尋寶家) 2014
082 - Lucy (露西) 2014
083 - good people (鎖命橫財) 2014
084 - life of crime (百萬嬌妻綁架計畫) 2014
085 - before I go to sleep (別相信任何人) 2014
086 - the equalizer (私刑教育) 2014
087 - white bird in a blizzard (暴風雪中的白鳥) 2014
088 - gone girl (控制) 2014
089 - the rewrite (編劇情緣) 2014
090 - Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day (亞歷山大衰到家) 2014
091 - horrible bosses 2 (老闆不是人2) 2014
092 - dumb and dumber to (阿呆與阿瓜:賤招拆招) 2014
093 - Miss Meadows (甜心殺手) 2014
094 - night at the museum: secret of the tomb (博物館驚魂夜3) 2014
095 - 5 to 7 (愛情限時戀未盡) 2015
096 - into the grizzly maze (灰熊迷宮) 2015
097 - unfinished business (凸槌三人行) 2015
098 - Paul Blart: mall cop 2 (百貨戰警2) 2015
099 - barely lethal (刺客學妹) 2015
100 - the forger (驚世劫作) 2015
101 - every secret thing (失蹤秘聞) 2015
102 - hot pursuit (辣味雙拼) 2015
103 - spy (麻辣賤諜) 2015
104 - the man from U.N.C.L.E. (紳士密令) 2015


1920~1929: 1/104= 0.96%
1930~1939: 2/104= 1.92%
1940~1949: 1/104= 0.96%
1950~1959: 2/104= 1.92%
1960~1969: 7/104= 6.73%
1970~1979:10/104= 9.62%
1980~1989: 9/104= 8.65%
1990~1999:15/104=14.42% = NO. 2
2000~2009:14/104=13.46% = NO. 3
2010~2015:43/104=41.35% = NO. 1







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